Housing Related COVID-19 Questions

FAQ Guidance for Students

As a student, how should I remain diligent about COVID symptoms?

  • Get vaccinated. 
  • Pay attention to any changes in your health such as an elevated body temperature, the development of a cough, a sore throat, or the loss of taste or smell.
  • Be intentional about wearing a mask if you are around large crowds and are not vaccinated.
  • Be mindful of social distancing.
  • Practice good hand hygiene and avoid touching the eyes, nose, and face. 
  • Do all this both ON and OFF the 体育菠菜大平台 campus.

What do I do if I think I have COVID symptoms?

  • Contact Student Health to discuss a COVID test. 
  • Refrain from attending class if you are sick, and communicate with your professors regarding your absences. 
  • Seek guidance from Student Health.
  • Consider wearing a mask if you have roommates.

Can I get a COVID test at Student Health?

  • Yes. Contact Student Health if you believe you need a test. 308-865-8218. They will provide guidance as to whether you need a test or not. 
  • There is no charge for COVID testing for students unless it is for international travel, not related to current symptoms.

What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

  • Refrain from attending class and communicate with your professors about your absences.
  • Leave campus to recover if feasible.
  • Stay isolated for 5 days from the start of symptoms. Return on day 6 only if you are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications). Mask use is recommended until day 10.
  • Wear a mask if you must leave your room to pick up food.

Will I have to stay in isolation housing like previous years? 

  • No, but it is strongly recommended that you leave campus to recover.

Will I have to be quarantined if exposed?

  • No, you will not be required to quarantine, however, it is recommended that you monitor for symptoms and seek testing if you develop symptoms.
  • Wear a mask for 10 days after exposure.

Should I tell my professor/instructor that I have tested positive for COVID-19?

  • You are under no obligation to give your personal medical information.
  • Communicate with your professor if you plan to be out so you can coordinate make-up work. Review the syllabus carefully for what to do if you are sick.
  • Mask use is recommended for campus activities and class until day 10.

Can I get an excused absence note from Student Health if I test positive for COVID? 

  • Student Health will provide documentation of a positive test only if the test was administered in the Student Health clinic. Student Health will not verify an illness to which they did not treat.

What do I do if my roommate tests positive for COVID? 

  • Consider wearing a mask or seeking an alternative place to live for 5 days.
  • Monitor for symptoms and make an appointment with Student Health if you develop symptoms.

Can I leave my room if I test positive for COVID?

  • Refrain from attending class as well as general campus activities if you test positive for COVID.
  • If you need to leave your room for meals, you must wear a mask.

How do I get vaccinated and or boosted?

  • Student Health will be providing vaccinations and or boosters for students, staff, and faculty. Contact Student Health for more information at 308-865-8218 or unkhealth@rdsy.net.