In this June 2024 issue:
Per University policy (see below), hourly employees should utilize any accrued compensatory time prior to July 1st. Please log into Firefly>Employee Self Service>Leave Information to review your current balance and submit your leave request(s) accordingly.
Employees who request to use earned compensatory time shall be permitted to use such time within a reasonable period after making such a request if the use of the compensatory time does not unduly disrupt the operation of the department. Employees shall not accumulate more than 60 hours of compensatory time. To ensure that compensatory time is used within a reasonable time, compensatory balances should be used by June 30th of each year unless permission is granted by the Human Resources Office to carry a balance beyond that date.
Please contact Human Resources with any questions.
Please consider donating to the crisis leave program. This program allows any employee who earns vacation leave to donate up to five accumulated vacation days per calendar year. The donated leave goes to a pool of crisis leave hours that are used to help an employee who is experiencing a crisis and does not have sufficient leave to cover their absence period. Donation forms can be accessed through SAPPHIRE or the following link:
Please submit completed forms to the Human Resources Office.
Please consider nominating one or more deserving employees for the 2024 SAFE award. The award was created to recognize staff who have performed significant service to the University of Nebraska at Kearney and each award includes a $1,000 stipend. The deadline for nominations will be July 31st. SAFE award winners will be announced at Convocation in August.
Employees and Departments/Groups of Employees can be nominated for different awards. The awards are presented monthly during the Staff Senate meetings.
Please consider nominating a staff member or group who has demonstrated excellence. It’s time to show our colleagues how much we appreciate what they do and why we’re so very proud to be Lopers!!